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Importance of seventh house in Hitler horoscope

Author: Aalok Varkhandkar | Last Updated: Wed 9 Jun 2010 2:07:11 PM

Importance of seventh house in Hitler horoscope

Aalok Varkhandkar

Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 at Braunau am Inn in Austria-Hungary. This gave Hitler a Libra ascendant with ascendant lord Venus in the seventh house in Aries. Venus is joined by planets Sun, Mars and Mercury and receives aspects from Jupiter and Saturn. So many planets influencing the seventh house thus made it the most important house in Hitler chart.

Of all the planets affecting Hitler’s seventh house, Sun, by virtue of its exaltation in Aries, became the most powerful planet. Sun represents political power in Vedic astrology, hence the most powerful planet in the most powerful house in Hitler’s horoscope gave Hitler a career in politics. Note that Hitler’s tenth lord is Moon posited in the third house with the third lord, and this should have given him a third house related career, but the seventh house in his horoscope is so strong that Hitler was forced to neglect significations of the other houses and fulfill only the needs of the seventh house. Hitler’s chart is interesting in that it shows that while judging one’s career through Vedic Astrology, the most powerful house in a chart assumes more importance than the tenth house, which is the house of career.

The seventh house is the house of relationships. It is responsible for all the dealings between oneself and other people in the world. All those people with whom a person comes into contact with are seen from the seventh house. Though the seventh house is used to study marriage and legal ties it also represents open warfare, duels, arbitration and foreign affairs.

Hitler thus had to spend most time in his life attending to seventh house matters. Six planets influencing the seventh house, however, was not enough to protect the seventh house matters as can be seen from his life, he lost everything in the end. The seventh house, though strong, is not a source of happiness in Hitler’s chart as the seventh house primarily denotes relationships with the opposite sex, and many women who came in Hitler’s life attempted suicide, two of them succeeded.

When the seventh house becomes too strong in a man’s chart all those with whom the native transacts suffer some way or the other. Thus when Hitler joined politics he created nothing but trouble for everyone, first for his opponents who were banned, suppressed or murdered, then for other countries who were invaded and destroyed by his military.

Hitler’s Rahu is in the ninth house which some astrologers consider a praised position but a malefic in the house of fortune is bound to give a big loss in life. Though the beginning of Rahu Mahadasha gave him power and position, it was in Sun sub period of Rahu Mahadasha that he lost everything including his life.

When a Vedic house becomes too strong, the matters signified by it need to be dealt with before other things, and Hitler’s seventh house is a perfect example of that.
To consult astrologer Aalok Varkhandkar, Please click here
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